Typing Spoken Letters
SKILL: Writing
LEVELS: 6 based on row and hand required
BRIEF RATIONALE: This treatment works on letter name recognition for early typing skills.
In Typing Spoken Letters, you will hear a letter name and type the letter on the keyboard. You can replay the audio at any time using the audio button. The treatment auto-adjusts in difficulty based on performance.
HINT: A hint button is available in the lower-left corner of the screen to reveal the target letter in the empty space. Using the hint will mark the item as incorrect (as it was not answered independently), but may help you find the letter on the keyboard.
Selected References:
- Marshall, R. C., Kushner, D., & Phillips, D. (1978). Letter recognition ability of aphasic subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47(3_suppl), 1231–1238. https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.1978.47.3f.1231